
This is my personal website that I have created to highlight my resume and other things that I want to share with the world.

I do not have a lot of time currently to maintain regular updates due to life and general and the fact that I am currently in Grad school working on my Masters in Computer Information Security and school work does take a large portion of my time these days.

My site is proudly hosted by FastComet.com and I have never been happier, click the banner below to check them out and sign up.

I myself am a big fan of Blizzard games. I currently play World of Warcraft and have since it first launched. I play Starcraft 2 from time to time. I also play a lot of Diablo 3 and I have been playing Heroes of the Storm since Alpha. I played Hearthstone quite a bit when it first came out but I don’t play this that much anymore. My first Blizzcon was back in 2008 and I have since been back in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.

Nerrick’s Twitch Feed

Additional info from my Twitch stream

Here are the responses from Nightbot in my twitch Channel, these commands when run in chat get the to bot respond with links to the various sections of this page.


ElvUI – This is my overall Interface that makes things easy to move around.

MBF – MiniMap Button Frame is a small frame that collects the various minimap buttons.

Prat – Chat frame addon to provide additional functionality to the default chat frames.

Angry Keystones – An updated Mythic+ timer.

Astral Keys – Shows what keys my alts have as well as what keys guildmates and friends have if they have Astral Keys. Also allows for querring a group for keys and annoncing what new key is picked up.

TSM – Tradeskill Master, used for running autions in the auction house.

WeakAuras – Used for creating various alerts ingame.

VuhDo – A clickable unitframe healing addon. I use this for healing and battle reses on not healer characters.

WIM – Wow Instant Messenger. This adds whispers into an instant messenger style window by parsing them into the windows. This allows you to not miss a whisper while dooing something in game that would have otherwise allowed it to scroll by in the defauls chat frames.


ElvUI – This is my overall Interface that makes things easy to move around.

TSM – Tradeskill Master, used for running autions in the auction house.

MBF – MiniMap Button Frame is a small frame that collects the various minimap buttons.

CTM – Classic threat meter used for tracking threat.

Prat – Chat frame addon to provide additional functionality to the default chat frames.

WIM – Wow Instant Messenger. This adds whispers into an instant messenger style window by parsing them into the windows. This allows you to not miss a whisper while dooing something in game that would have otherwise allowed it to scroll by in the defauls chat frames.

Recount – Damage and Healing meter.

WeakAuras – Used for creating various alerts ingame.

VuhDo – A clickable unitframe healing addon. I use this for healing and battle reses on not healer characters.





Diablo 3 Armory Page

Since I have not been playing as much World of Warcraft due to a lack of time as I am focused on finishing my Master’s Degree I have been playing a lot more Diablo 3. I have decided to add a link to my Diablo 3 Character page to showcase some of the characters I have in my roster.


Rainbow Goblin Farming Season 15

This was one of the quickest routes that I found to churn through goblins as fast as I could in hopes of finding Rainbow Goblins in my search for the Cosmic Wings.  I can run this route with my Chicken Witch Doctor in about 6 minutes. I update the data in the chart when I am done farming goblins each day. I will stop contributing data to this when I have finally looted my cosmic wings. Sadly there have was numerous runs that I had done previously that I did not track prior to December 20th 2018.

As of 12/28/18 The following percentages were calculated from my table below. I will continue to update my data as I continue to hunt for rainbow goblins.

Chance of a Vault Portal spawning is 2.22%

Chance to find a Rainbow Goblin is 2.67%

*** These percentages are calculated based on the table below, it is based on a total of 168 goblins located ***

Diablo 3 Goblin Farming Percentages

The chart below is the time that I have spent strictly farming Treasure Goblins in search of a portal to the vault in Diablo 3. This data was collected from the patch (2.1.1) on live servers. The video of the first portal that I got is on our videos page for your viewing pleasure. This was more of a statistical experiment to see if I could narrow down the chance of getting a portal to the vault to spawn. I know this is information might be outdated as now you can pop a vault portal with a puzzle ring in the cube.

World of Warcraft Characters

I used to have links to my World of Warcraft characters however the tool that I was using to show their information has not been working so I have temporarily removed them from the site until I can figure out why they do not load here.


Posting from my iPhone

I have been playing with the various apps that are available for the iPhone. I stumbled onto the WordPress application and I thought I would try it out. This is my first post using said application.

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I have been playing with the various apps that are available for the iPhone. I stumbled onto the WordPress application and I thought I would try it out.

This is my first post using said application.

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on January 25, 2009

Google Docs Testing

This is a test document from Google Docs. I read that you can post to your blog from within Google Docs so I figured I would give it a shot and see how it works.

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This is a test document from Google Docs. I read that you can post to your blog from within Google Docs so I figured I would give it a shot and see how it works.

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on January 25, 2009


I have recently migrated my website to a new hosting provider and have recently installed this new blog. Stay tuned for new updates.

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I have recently migrated my website to a new hosting provider and have recently installed this new blog. Stay tuned for new updates.

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on January 18, 2009

Nerrick.com – Videos

This page is the collection of videos that I have created as well as some interesting videos created by others. I have included the documentary that Blizzard premiered at Blizzcon 2014 World of Warcraft: Looking for Group which provided a behind the scenes look at 10 years of World of Warcraft.

Diablo 3 Treasure Goblin Portal

This is the video of a Treasure Goblin spawning his portal to The Vault when I killed him.


 Diablo 3 Goblin Madness

What happens when you run through a room full of treasure goblins?


World of Warcraft: Looking for Group

This is the World of Warcraft documentary that Blizzard premiered at Blizzcon 2014. This documentary provides a really cool look back at 10 years of World of Warcraft. I also have some real life friends that make appearances in this documentary.


Anaheim Ducks vs Winnipeg Jets

This video is the shootout that took place on 1/11/15 at the Honda Center.

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This is a collection of files related to Information Technology. Some of these are templates and or checklists that I have created along the way in my career in the Information Technology Field.

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