
A 12 Year Old’s Amazing Invention

I just saw the news report of this 12-year-old kid that built a brail printer out of Lego’s and has now started his own company to build a more cost friendly brail printer for the masses. This kid deserves some …

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I just saw the news report of this 12-year-old kid that built a brail printer out of Lego’s and has now started his own company to build a more cost friendly brail printer for the masses.

This kid deserves some recognition. Check out the website for his company.

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on March 19, 2015

My Aunt Kyla

Today was a sad day. My aunt Kyla lost her battle with cancer. When she was originally diagnosed the doctors told us that we would only have a couple of months left with her. Kyla at that time was not …

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Today was a sad day. My aunt Kyla lost her battle with cancer.

When she was originally diagnosed the doctors told us that we would only have a couple of months left with her. Kyla at that time was not wanting to put herself through all of the treatments knowing that she would only have a couple of months left. She changed her mind and decided to fight and fight she did. We ended up with almost two more years with my Aunt. She never lost her silly personality and she is deeply missed.

It’s hard to see someone that you love waste away but in the end I was glad I was there with her at her worst because it makes me treasure the good times all the more.

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on March 3, 2015

Facebook Contacts

I reactivated my Facebook for the sole purpose of trying to find a way to export all of my friends contact info so that I can add it to a program such as Microsoft Outlook or import the contacts into …

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I reactivated my Facebook for the sole purpose of trying to find a way to export all of my friends contact info so that I can add it to a program such as Microsoft Outlook or import the contacts into my Gmail contacts, but I have yet to accomplish this feat. I was able to get Names and E-Mail addresses imported into a Yahoo account, but the contacts are not able to be exported from there.

So far it looks like I might have to manually type out my friends info into an excel spreadsheet one by one from the Yahoo account I was able to get the names and e-mail addresses into. Why does this have to be so hard?

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on February 11, 2015

QuickOffice Pro HD

Google has done evil… I paid full price for this application and Google comes along and buys them up. I just found out today that my most used app on my iPad is ending support for DropBox and and …

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Google has done evil…

I paid full price for this application and Google comes along and buys them up. I just found out today that my most used app on my iPad is ending support for DropBox and and forces you into using Google drive.

Google drive does not offer the same functionality that I get from these other services. I also now see that they have taken this app to a free model which is good for the masses but what about those of us that paid for the full functioning version?

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on January 25, 2014

Google Play Music All Access

Google announced the All Access option for Music via Google Play. If you sign up now you get the All Access level free for a 30-day trial and then $7.99/mo after the trial. The normal price is $9.99/mo. To get …

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Google announced the All Access option for Music via Google Play. If you sign up now you get the All Access level free for a 30-day trial and then $7.99/mo after the trial. The normal price is $9.99/mo. To get the $7.99 price you have to sign up for your trial before June 30th.

I am messing with it via the Chrome browser but would really like to see the iOS app get released since its currently Android only.

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on May 16, 2013


So this evening my wife and I reactivated our Netflix account only to be disappointed. In order to use the streaming feature on our Xbox, we need to pay an additional $7.99 for a Xbox live gold membership. So we …

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So this evening my wife and I reactivated our Netflix account only to be disappointed.

In order to use the streaming feature on our Xbox, we need to pay an additional $7.99 for a Xbox live gold membership.

So we next decided to try our Wii as Netflix is now available on it. Well, the Wii keeps losing it’s connection and we never even had a chance to browse for a movie via the Netflix app on the Wii.

We browsed through the titles via our laptop and there isn’t anything worth watching. Most of the good movies that you might want to watch requires that they mail you a DVD and that’s an extra $2 more per month with 1 DVD at a time.

So Netflix just isn’t worth it.

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on May 22, 2011

Hard Economic Times

You know that our economy is in trouble and we are all falling on hard times when you see Grandmothers standing on a freeway off ramp holding signs. I was driving home from work and as I exited the freeway …

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You know that our economy is in trouble and we are all falling on hard times when you see Grandmothers standing on a freeway off ramp holding signs.

I was driving home from work and as I exited the freeway I saw a Grandmother holding up a sign looking for handouts to help support her grandchildren because her son was killed in Iraq.

Where is the bailout for the regular Joe’s in this country?

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on April 29, 2010

UPDATE: iPhone Productivity

When I downloaded the app for Remember the Milk from iTunes on my iPhone the app was listed as free. This is not the case. The app is free to “download” and is a trial app. Remember the Milk charges …

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When I downloaded the app for Remember the Milk from iTunes on my iPhone the app was listed as free. This is not the case. The app is free to “download” and is a trial app. Remember the Milk charges $25/year for the use of the iPhone app by way of making you upgrade to a “Pro” account and paying the annual fee.

I have since removed the app from my iPhone and will now look for a more suitable alternative.

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on March 6, 2009

iPhone Productivity

Now that Rember the Milk has an iPhone application managing ones to do list just got a whole lot easier.

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Now that Rember the Milk has an iPhone application managing ones to do list just got a whole lot easier.

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on February 5, 2009


Don’t you hate when you are waiting for something and the anticipation keeps building and building?

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Don’t you hate when you are waiting for something and the anticipation keeps building and building?

  Posted by Jason Snodgrass on January 26, 2009